Fuji diaries 2

       Lately, A friend told me even though she likes my photos, they somehow, carries sad feelings ...  while I was convincing her to buy my photos as a future investment in case I'll become a famous artist in the future 😂, or at least, a famous person ( By all means, including the illegal areas... I leave you to figure this out)

   I have too many photos the last winter-spring and summer, as a typical me, since summer has almost ended, it's time for me to go through the process of chasing the rush of me wanting to finish sharing all my spring photos. It's never successful though, never, ever.

But you know what I did, I took summer swimming class. so Yeah, that's what I did, after spending most of my introvert times on the beaches ( you will see below), I decided, no more being a coward of fearing water, successfully did a lot of things that I've never imagined I would be able to do or started doing it but I did. So why not overcome my fear of deep sea water.  I had a background of knowing how to swim ( at least what it's called appropriate paddling and breathing under water), but I was so scared of deep water. Every time I saw people treading water, I was jealous and admired them at the same time, I wanna be like them, I wanna floating without being worried the water would suck me down.  I took the class on this August, and you know what, I knew how to swim before August LOL. Before the class, I went to the swimming pool 3 times a week, trying to pick up techniques online, asking my SO to teach me, copying all people around the swimming pool like a baby duck. During the swimming class, I went to the pool 4-5 times. The class, though, has improved my techniques. But what had improved me the most was practicing, I kept trying and trying, I remembered 3 weeks ago, I was struggling why I couldnt treading under the water. I swam okay now, but I couldn't be able to float my head above the water constantly. People told me it was fine, the treading took a lot of energies and you would get used to it once you swim better. I didn't want those comfort words, I needed to achieve the goal I set for myself.  I tried and tried, and always got panic rushing back to the pool's wall, suck right? So  One day, I emerged myself in the water, breathing through my nose and telling myself I was done with this shit, I quit. I would just swim, grasping some air, as if something happens, I would just swim until I'm tired or swim until I grab a person know how to swim better/ save you/help you floating LOL, and that day, the day with the loser thoughts crossing my mind, I knew how to treading. F me right? :))) ( TRUE STORY)
Moral story:

  • Swiming is probably my most favorite work out now... in summer
  • Practicing makes it perfect
  • Don't ever give up
  • It's okay to easy on yourself because sometimes, things would come to you naturally when you let your mind and body free.
Also featuring in the diary are
  • Geraldines counter breakfast  - one of the best french toast in Seattle, beside the unlimited- everybodyknows- portagebay-unlimitedfruitsbar-frenchtoast. The toasts were so crunchy and crispy outside ( which I guess maybe coming from the corn flakes powder !?),  very light and didn't leave you bloating greasy as the traditional French toasts, pretty much resembling Taiwanese french toast
  • The butcher and baker : I don't recommend them. 
  • Alki beach: I will forever recommend Alki to any visitors to Seattle
  • Discovery Park

Starbucks with an Ivy wall.

Shoes: Zara
Thrifts for life from sweater to the black jeans.

Top-head: all thrifts. 

Shoes: Zara
Overalls: Boohoo
Sweater: thrift ( obviously)

Shoes: Zara
Sweater: H&M

The butcher the baker.