Fall outfit series

one upon a time, out of nowhere, my sister called me to go enjoy fall season with her. When I say "enjoy", it also means to go take photos with her. But that's what fall season is for right?  Lol . Unfortunately, it was early fall and not that many beautiful spots take photos. We actually ended up going to eat instead and when we about to go home without having any photo, we drove by this beautiful alley with the long row of trees on the side roads. The leaves on these trees already turned color, in a moment we instantly knew: that was it, we found the spot.  Maybe god loves us and didn't want us to go home with an empty card so he sent us to this beautiful place, or we were just merely lucky :))

And as much as I love her,  I also hate her photography skills hahahahahahahahaha.  Those photos below are what I am talking about...                   

Either they were out of focus

or something like this pose

Honestly, I enjoyed seeing her struggle to get right focus for me and her afraid that I would be upset because of this. Little did she knew I was having a fun time :)) and yes, I'm a real devil deep inside.  At the end, I still got some good photos and a nice day hanging out with her :).

excuse my toes out of my tights, that tights was the only one that hadn't ripped completely yet.
one of my favorite cardigans from F21, It even has a hood :X 
My outfit was nothing special, though. I didn't plan any specified outfit to take, I just wore what I wore couple past days  :)).

And I'm introducing you: My effortless beautiful sister ( not same blood by the way :))), who to me has the most beautiful eyes and longest eyelashes I' ever seen in Asians. She is even older than me 3 years old, but we look way more like same age friends.
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